the most prominent cases of disappearances Part 1

Often we hear about the disappearances of people mysteriously and unexpectedly and without finding any index like  the Earth was split and swallowed them.And still takes them a lot of questions unanswered, where have they gone? And what is the reason for their disappearance are dead or still alive, I won’t be long in front where you will Study today, ten of the weirdest cases Documented and recorded disappearances are celebrities in their local and We  won’t go in history Away, but during the last 150 years only

10 most mysterious disappearances

Ross Everett 

In 1930, there were still parts of the southwestern United States is largely unexplored, and became a prominent writer and artist at that time one of the first non-native Americans who They went to see these places and documented in its own records, « Everett Ross » contemporary at the time to catalog the known world, » Dorothy lang « and other American photographer known environmental wallets Best known for shooting photos in black and white « Ansel Adams » Although his age at that time did not exceed twenty years.

One day when he came out « Everett » into a desert with two friends, he disappeared and never came back after that day forever, people speculate that he was killed by Indians « Navajo« , but his body was not found and is not Friends who were with him, and that’s what let us say that Indians who killed him or was involved in the disappearance. And I still don’t know what happened to him and to his friends and he seems to have disappeared from our world forever. 

Jean Spangler

Jean Spangler, an important and well-known actress in Hollywood, she had left her young daughter in the care of her sister on October 7, 1949 at 5 pm and she said to her sister that she will go to meet her ex-husband. To talk about child maintenance arrears, and later will go to work in a movie « wish me good luck, » where she was preparing for him in that period, two days later, found her purse. Near the entrance to Griffith Park, contained the note didn’t finish what She  wrote, which was addressed to someone named Kirk wenstha« can’t wait any longer, go see Dr. Scott will work better this way while the mother away………. » That was the message text and the message is unclear and no one knows who is Kirk or Dr Scott gone detectives and more than 30 police officers and more than 100 volunteers to search for « Jane » everywhere, and so they went to Sahara maybe they had found her body on the grounds that she might be kidnapped, and since that date not found « Jane » and her body was not found and claimed some people see her after two years of hiding in Northern And Southern California and Phoenix, Arizona and Mexico City, but none of those views have not been verified and Jin Still not found  and the LAPD had spent so far.

Short video of Jane with a rare interview with her. 

Link : Jane  interview 1
           Jane  interview 2

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James Williams Tate

This man was known as « James Williams Tate » Politics man , and was Treasurer of Kentucky, which disappeared in 1888 along with about $ 250000 belong to the State Treasury This was a very large amount  at that time, strange that the man had a very good reputation and was nominated as Treasurer in Kentucky by high voices in 1887 when he won the election on account The main candidate « William aubradli » after years of disappearance of « Mr James Williams Tate « acknowledged his daughter she has received messages From  Her father James stamps were manifold, one of Canada, other than Japan, China, and San Francisco, man theft hypothesis for the Treasury too weird for what he knew about good honesty and manners, even if He had robbed the Treasury and fled so why not found or caught in one of those States that have recognized his daughter that she had received letters from her father after he disappeared, however was the last contact in 1890 and disappeared After that. 

Jim Thompson

Mr « Jim Thompson « known trader and businessman, writer and author, who revived the Thai silk industry when he went to Thailand to Asia, there develop the industry in that country Asia through The invention of dyes and colors, and was credited also bring in modern equipment for fabric to the Thai capital Bangkok, the strange story of this man in particular Sunday in Easter 1967 Jim Thompson had left his house to go for a walk as usual in nature when he was in Thailand, and then today unheard again and did not return to his home where he disappeared completely, and still Mystery to this day surrounded by the mystery of his disappearance.

To Be continued 

the most prominent cases of disappearances Part 1

ALL, Issues unresolved

from cosmic mystery

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