The lost continent: Mu part1

The lost continent: Mu

The past is repeated in our present, and our present is another picture of an ancient past, we only another picture of previous civilizations have preceded us flag historical civilization and evolution, identified by historians from the era Write to any within the last ten thousand years, it can’t be the structure of human history, all the actual development on this earth and humanity cannot be started or after Noah’s flood The flood, there was more of a flood and it can’t be everything before that primitive life closer to the animal, and that man didn’t realize before that something has value, in my opinion that ancient civilizations were on the score High scientific and technological development than we are.


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Before Noah’s flood there were civilizations history erase it like guandwana and the lost continent associated with hollow Earth theory along the lines of « haibrioria » the first continent in the Arctic, and also the continent of Atlantis Which I consider some myth invented by Plato in his stories, but recent discoveries between opposite that hadart Atlantis reached the highest ratings altdok and scientific development 

It’s where he took the people of Atlantis that flag?  You folks mother continent of Atlantis emigrated « mu » to a continent of Atlantis 

Early discovery

The lost continent: Mu

 The idea of the lost continent of Mu first appeared in the 19th century, specifically in 1864, the animal world and the workbook « Philip skaltr » wrote head lice in mammals of Madagascar « in science magazine book them essentially: Anomalies of
Animals mammals in Madagascar a better explanation that there was a large continent occupied parts of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, and these were destroyed. The continent to be scattered islands, some of them with alfrikia. Some of them with Asia now, with Madagascar and the maskarni that great continent I would suggest she was « Lemuria »  


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And yet the idea of lost continent within the scientific community and the concept of « Lemuria » began to appear in the work of many scholars, « arsent hainriti » structure of the German naturalist is a pro aldarwin suggest Lemuria is a land bridge that spans the Indian Ocean separated the Madagascan about India, he can explain the mystery of the primordial-feeding distribution that lives in a tree found in Africa and Madagascar and India and archipelago East Indian, also suggested that the allimorien belonging to the continent of « mo » were ancestors of the human race and that this human bridge was the cradle of mankind, the idea of « Lemuria » as nothing more than Just place the material or at least somewhere was inhabited by non-human objects before the appearance of man derives from the writings of the Russian painter « koltist Helena Blavatsky » throughout the 19th century, a theory Mrs blaktski in the secret doctrine explains that human history has passed several hadart and secret doctrine, talking human races seven races of mankind and occupy Lemuria ranked third in this category In her book explains the causes of extinction of Lemuria and ending with the emergence of the next civilization of Atlantis

The lost continent: Mu

The famous photographer and interested in ancient civilizations, archaeological « Augustus lailango fired on this continent » mu « after completing an extensive investigation about the Mayan civilization and allegedly translated ancient Mayan language And she mentioned a very old continent and translate the name « mo » or continent sunk by the disaster, also alleged that many civilizations such as ancient Egypt and those of Central America have created By refugees from the MoE in writing: Queen MoE and Egyptian Sphinx chapter 66 page: « in our journey westward across the Atlantic will cross at the sight of that spot not roaring by Any human, but were destroyed by a powerful earthquake.
 Adult lablango in saying that the ancient Egyptian civilization has found by Miss Mu island and some who survived the disaster, and also a valuable survivor Mayan civilization, and may draw public attention to the sunken continent of Mu  » Again the Colonel « James chirshward » in 1868 Colonel went chirshward to India and joined a monastery, elder, priest Assistant job
So learn an ancient language called « Naja Maya » look at rare manuscripts deposited in this monastery, and saw many engravings and manuscripts, among the rare manuscripts one placed in this box. Manuscript are arguing about those sweet days when the land of « mu » when man moves to the South and the East among the good people of Muslim elders, their transparent bodies and among the manuscripts which he read Colonel cursive out world history of the planet that we live on, and Colonel confirms that this continent existed in this place BC  12000 years « chrshward acknowledged their existence, but it was Believed in the Pacific rather than the Atlantic, unlike all of Augustus, in the first half of the twentieth century these ideas book series issued 

The lost continent: Mu part1

Cities missing

from cosmic mystery

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